But still blocking ... will not block the connection … written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

She writes him:

“I am amazed … you unblocked me.

How’s that?!

I don’t understand!”.

He smiles … with a huge smile on his funny face … seeing the message from her … and replying:


How’s that you checked that i unblocked you?!

I don’t understand”.

Annoyed … even if she loved him a lot … and was so happy cause he unblocked her … she blocks him again.

It was the episode 137 … of blocking … but of course looked as the final one.

What he understood from the whole story was the fact that you can block someone on any channel, but if it is real connection …. you can’t block the connection between the souls.

Blocking becomes useless … and he realized it even if it took so much time to him.

But she was still loving and hating him … almost in the same time.

Was missing him a lot … and was unhappy cause he was not unblocking her, but still … in a weird way, difficult to be understood … when he unblocked her … she just wrote few words … and then she blocked him … one more time.

They were acting like 2 kids of 5 years old … but they loved each other a lot.

He missed the chance to tell her … how much he loves her.

She missed the chance to tell him … that was suffering a lot without his love.

But the balance of those contradictory feelings … did not permitted them to continue that amazing love story.

Arguing was more important … so they remained blocked again … without understanding that this dance of emotions was controlling but also ruining their chance of being … happy.

Download the book ”The dance of our emotions is a … nonsense … but a main part of our lives” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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