Being on a negative frequency ... you will attract only negative people and events. The simple trick is ... CHANGE YOUR VIBE! …

written by the romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

We somehow live with the illusion that we can plant cactus seeds and in the end see that apple trees are growing in our gardens.

Even a kid will say this is not possible … but most of us … have the believe that our actions and the way of being is not really having any influence on our lives.

And it keeps happening … on and on and on.

But not even for a second … we think of this inter connection between the vibe we have and what we see in the present moment.

Lots of negative people are appearing.

Also negative events.

… and we continue … being blinds.

We want a change, but we can’t see the path to that change, cause we are … blinds.

It all becomes so … harmful, that one day we even feel the need of resigning from being a human being.

There is no way out from this lifestyle … fulfilled only with negative influences … or at least this is what we believe.

But the Universe, seeing us in such a position … give us in the last moment … a small piece of … hope.

We see it in different ways, at few people that are around us … and we start to understand that negativity is not the main way of living and we could also try … positivity.

We actually start to see a new path for living and even seeing negativity all around … we just smile.

We start having a different vibe … and we realize that life is painted in beautiful colors.

There is not grey anymore … all around.

We accept the black and grey … but we also see life painted with a large spectrum of colors.

And things start to change.

We suddenly realize that we could do this long, long time ago … but we smile and enjoy the fact that we are start seeing beautiful things also.

Download the book ”Exploring ourselves … we will understand what life is about” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.

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